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Munchies Pack (Mix n' Match) (Any 2 for $5)
  • Munchies Pack (Mix n' Match) (Any 2 for $5)

    Got the munchies? We got you covered. Select any 2 snacks for $5 and have them delivered with your order. Choose from the following snacks:


    Chips (60-90g) - Sour Cream Ruffles, BBQ Lays, All Dressed Ruffles, Nacho Cheese Doritos, Regular Fritos, Regular Lays, or Munchies Original Mix.


    Chocolate Bars (full size) - Aero, Coffee Crisp, Kit Kat, Caramilk, Crispy Crunch, Crunchie, Wonderbar, Oh Henry, Reese Peanut Butter Cups, Hershey with Almonds, Hershey Cookies & Cream, M&M Peanuts, Snickers, Mars, or Twix.


    Nuts (35-55g) - Trail Mix, Salted Peanuts, Honey Roasted Peanuts, or BBQ Peanuts


    Please select any 2 snacks and list what you would like in the notes section of the order form. Or mention when ordering by phone/text.

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